The wreck-It-Ralph animated comedy is a sequel to the original version released in 2012. The Walt Disney Animation Studios film features a series of artists from John C. Reilly, Sarah Silverman, Jack McBrayer Jane Lynch to Gal Gadot.
Directed Rich Moore and Phil Johnston present emotional conflicts spiced with fun adventures and silly things in this film. Not to mention the addition of new characters that make the adventure in the internet world feel real, like Yesss (Taraji P. Henson), the head of the algorithm as well as the center of the “BuzzzTube” page, KnowsMore (Alan Tudyk), an all-knowing search engine that helps Ralph and Vanellope explore the internet.
Synopsis Wreck-It Ralph
The story begins with two best friends Ralph (John C.Reilly) and Vanellope (Sarah Silverman) who decide to explore a new world, even though they don’t know what’s there. They only have one goal to go there, saving Vanellope’s game, Sugar Crush. Initially, everything was fine. Ralph and Vanellope play their role as characters in the game during the day and relax at night with friends of other characters.
However, there was an error that caused the Sugar Rush game to crash. In the midst of panic, Ralph and Vanellope discovered something new, the internet. Ignoring what will happen, the two of them decide to go in there. To their surprise, this decision triggered a conflict in friendship, and this became the core of this story. Moreover, the presence of a new character, Shank (Gal Gadot), the tough racer from the Slaughter Race game in the middle of Ralph and Vanellope.