The Forest (2016)

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The Forest is a horror drama genre film about a young woman who came to Aokigahara (suicide forest) in Japan to find her sister. The Forest first aired on January 8, 2016, in the United States (US) with a duration of 93 minutes. This film is the work of director Jason Zada ​​and the story is written by three people, namely Ben Ketai, Sarah Cornwell, and Nick Antosca.

The Forest full movie got a rating of 4.8 out of 10 on the IMDb site, while the score of 10 percent and 22 percent by the audience was given by the film critic site Rotten Tomatoes. During the screening period, The Forest managed to earn more than the US $ 39 million from production funds of the US $ 10 million, the Mojo Box Office website reported.

Synopsis The Forest

Sara Price (Natalie Dormer), an American woman, receives a phone call from Japanese police who say that her troubled twin sister, Jess Price (also played by Dormer) has died when she is seen going to Aokigahara forest in Japan.

Despite the fears of his fiancé, Rob (Eoin Macken), he travels to Japan and arrives at the hotel where his sister lives. At the hotel, Sara meets a reporter named Aiden (Taylor Kinney). The two then drink together, and Sara also tells about the death of her parents.

In fact, his father killed his mother, then committed suicide, but Sara told Aiden that her parents were killed by a drunk driver. His sister Jess had seen the bodies of her father and mother, but Sara did not. Aiden invites Sara to go to the Aokigahara forest with him and a park guide named Michi (Yukiyoshi Ozawa) so he can find his sister.

When the three of them enter Aokigahara, Michi tells Sara that Jess is most likely committed suicide. But Sara refused to believe this. He explained, as a twin, he could “feel” that Jess was still alive. Deep in the forest, the three find a yellow tent that Sara recognizes as belonging to Jess.

When night fell, Michi suggested they leave a message for Jess and leave. Sara refused, and Aiden voluntarily stayed with him all night. That night, Sara hears rustling in the bushes and believes it might be Jess. He then rushed to the forest after him.

Sara actually finds a Japanese girl, Hoshiko (Rina Takasaki) who claims to know Jess. The girl warned Sara not to trust Aiden and ran away when she heard his voice. Sara tried to chase him but he fell and lost Hoshiko. The next day, Aiden and Sara get lost around the forest.

As he was walking, Sara’s suspicions of Aiden increased and demanded that Aiden give his phone and find Jess’s picture there. Aiden denied being involved with Jess, but Sara ran into the woods alone. As he ran he began to hear voices telling him to turn around.

But Sara was not affected. Until Sara heard a voice directly behind her. He then turned to look at the hanging body and continued to flee. Sara then falls into a hole in the cave and upon awakening discovers that she is in the cave with Hoshiko, who turns out to be a yūrei (a term for well-known spirits in Japanese folklore).

Hoshiko then transformed into a vicious figure that made Sara run towards the opening of the cave, where Aiden found her and helped her out of the cave. Both of them continue their journey. Rob also arrives in the Aokigahara forest with a search group and Michi who intends to find Sara.

Sara’s continued adventure in the Aokigahara Forest can be witnessed at The Forest 2016, tonight.

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Tagline:Everyone comes here looking for a way out
Duration: 95 Min
Budget:$ 10.000.000,00
Revenue:$ 37.608.299,00