The author of the animated film Despicable Me (2010) produced her latest animated film in welcoming the 2019 Christmas celebration. The movie titled Klaus, released on Netflix on November 15, 2019, was written by Zach Lewis, Jim Mahoney and Sergio Pablos himself.
Pablos traditionally made this film with hand-drawn animation and CGI lighting techniques to create a unique animation style. This film is the last work of animator Mary Lechser and is dedicated to her. This Spanish production film was carried around the various studios, until finally in November 2017 it was bought by Netflix.
Sinopsis Klaus
When Jesper (Jason Schwartzman) considers himself the worst student in the postman academy. He was placed on a frozen island above the Arctic Circle. Jesper almost gave up facing the people there, before he finally met a local teacher Alve (Rashida Jones) and a carpenter named Klaus (JK Simmons).
Klaus lives alone in a cabin filled with homemade toys. The friendship of these three people then returned the joy of the city, and the people there returned to normal.